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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Homebake Heaven

I have always cooked, particuarly cake!   but since having children I have been particuarly keen, wanting them to learn and appreciate that the homemade way is not only the healthiest but the yummiest way.   I've been lucky enough to be able to stay at home with them.  This has been partly due to circumstance - a husband who works in overseas development and frequently travels, but also, the desire to do so.

Now as they get older and become more independent ... the pressure is on to get a job!.  The trouble is  I've got used to staying at home,  doing my own thing -  and want to continue to do so.   I'm trying, therefore to make a go of selling the thing that I am best at - cake!  I don't say this often about myself, but I am good at baking and I hope others will think so to.

I took the Hygiene course and had environmental heath round to check me out.  That was the easy bit, now I need to do the marketing weakness!   I may be good at making cakes but am hopeless at selling myself.   I've used one of the free templates to set up a website
and made a facebook page Homebake Heaven, Ayr    Take a look and let me know what you think.  Any constructive criticism and help appreciated!

I pretty much like all cake! .... but am rather partial to cheesecake ... of the baked variety!  How about you?