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Sunday 25 September 2011

Cake decoration class 2

I'm a bit behind with the class posts.  We are already approaching week 4!

On the agenda this week were cupcakes and fondant icing.  We were given a standard recipe, as follows

150g butter
150g caster sugar
150g self raising flour
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla essence
2 tblsp milk

This is my preferred recipe, I've tried many from the new cupcake bakery books that have appeared in recent years.  Not sure why there is a need to continually reinvent a recipe that has worked for decades! and I don't know about you but I find them very wet!  They rise up and then flatten, running over the top of the case.  I'm maybe doing something wrong but have reverted to the traditional recipe which always works for me..  If you have any tips, I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong with these new recipes.

Whilst our cakes were in the oven we made buttercream.  I made 2 batches, 1 chocolate and 1 coloured pink,  so I could practice piping the 2 colours together.  This is no great british bake off! there are no kitchen aids, not even and electric whisk ... we are having to beat everything by hand.  I've pondered on the idea of taking my own one in, but there don't appear to be any sockets anywhere!

Piping done and we moved on to decoration.  I was hoping we would be making fondant icing and then using it to make flowers.  Unfortunately the teacher had made it himself and gave a short demonstration before we were sent off to practice.  The icing all got snapped up as did the cutters leaving nothing to play with.  I should learn to complain!   Towards the end of the session, I managed to get hold of some leftovers and cut out a few,  which you'll see sitting on the finished product ......

Nothing to be impressed with,  but there's a lesson learned, I need to take my own equipment.

Making fondant flowers looks fairly simple, (yes I know ....heading for a fall!) when there is time to practice this week, I'll update with a few pictures ....again,  any tips gratefully received!

For this weeks lesson I stood next to Bindu, she had wanted to do the advanced decorating class but it didn't run so she's doing this one instead.  She makes cakes for family and friends and is lovely.  She also does cooking lessons from home, I'm assuming Indian but need to clarify!

Next week we'll be piping and have been asked to bring our own nozzles, I've bought a set of wilton nozzles on amazon and will be taking them along.


En4tainment said...

I love the look of the cup cakes

from your new follower would you please follow me back thanks so much :)

En4tainment said...

i love the look of your cupcakes

from your new follower would you please follow me back thanks so much :)